Winter Academy Launches and Tomorrow’s Leaders Expands

Posted: February 4, 2021

Building upon our programs in operation last fall, Beat the Streets Los Angeles begins February with a reinvigorated excitement to provide much needed programming for our youth.

The Winter Academy kicked off this week serving over 200 boys and girls with in-person, socially distanced workouts in adherence to youth sports guidelines provided by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

Like the recent Summer and Fall Academies, the Winter Academy will also feature mentor check-in phone calls, google classroom challenges, and other fun activities in a friendly team point competition. The team that finishes with the most points will be crowned the Winter Academy Champions.

The Tomorrow’s Leaders Program, designed for a selective group of exemplary young men and women who are recent alumni of Beat the Streets LA, grew to twenty participants. Virtual workshops built around career and personal development begin this week, and will continue throughout the spring.

With schools closed since March of 2020, Beat the Streets Los Angeles will continue to provide these critical opportunities with a commitment to our core pillars; character development, healthy living, master of wrestling skills, and enhanced academic achievement.